Reviews for 'Dear Elizabeth'

Encore Michigan
"Carrie Jay Sayer, who plays Bishop, portrays her complex character with great dexterity and heart. Joel Mitchell plays Lowell as the erudite alpha male that he was. Mitchell dials in just enough bombast into Lowell, while preserving the vulnerability that no doubt attracted Bishop’s heart to his own. David Wolber, who directed Dear Elizabeth, once again shows he can generate wonderful energy in Theatre Nova’s small space.
- David Kiley, Encore Michigan

"Wolber specializes in plays about artists and the process of creation, so play and director are ideally matched here. Joel Mitchell is marvelous and heartbreaking as Lowell, a man who struggles mightily in his own life, and uses that as material for his confessional poetry. Sayer, meanwhile, is well-cast as Bishop, conveying the emotionally guarded poet’s simultaneous desire to connect to Lowell while also always maintaining an arm’s length distance."
- Jenn McKee
"Though the script can and has been performed with two actors seated at a table reading the letters, Theatre Nova’s fine production of “Dear Elizabeth” is no “Love Letters”. The actors move freely about the stage, and words originally written on paper become conversational exchanges between the two. Director David Wolber has done an exceptional job of giving the show energy and excitement and allowing the intensity generated throughout the letters to show through in his actors. Carrie Jay Sayer as Elizabeth Bishop and Joel Mitchell as Robert Lowell make for a compelling couple.
- Dan Skora